WRA was selected by the Los Angeles District USACE and successfully completed the design of the FY12 Qualification Training Range at Ft. Irwin,CA. The QTR range is used to train and test soldiers on the skills necessary to detect, identify, engage, and defeat stationary and moving infantry targets along with stationary armor targets. In order to centralize training and reduce land, maintenance, and unit overhead requirements, this range combines the capabilities of a modified record fire range (MRF), automated sniper field fire range, combat pistol firearms qualification course (CPQC), and the multipurpose machine gun range (MPMG). Range Operations Control Buildings (ROCA) based on the latest Huntsville standard design for the QTR were also integral to the design, including:
Range Control Tower
Operations / Storage Building
Dry-Vault Latrine
Bleacher Enclosure
Covered Mess
Ammo Breakdown Building
The QTR range design incorporated the latest range standards, including the revised MPMG layout. Consequently, WRA was tasked with providing the first QTR design using this latest range footprint, which resulted in modifications to the standard design to eliminate conflicts at the firing line between the various firing positions and new QTR downrange targetry. WRA’s design avoids the firing line conflicts by adding four 25m spacer lanes within the MRF portion; one at the center point of each of the four MPMG 50 CAL lanes. This minor adjustment to the design yielded the following benefits:
CPQC trails and associated targets, including the MP firearms barricades, fit well between the MPMG and MRF firing positions with no grading or line of sight conflicts whatsoever.
Target congestion at the 100, 200, and 300m lines within the MRF and the MPMG 50 CAL lanes caused by the new standard parallel Moving Infantry Targets (MITs) were alleviated as the spacer lanes provide adequate room for the required MITs.
There was no need to offset the MPMG firing positions, so they are still centered in the MPMG lanes.
Firing lines for all three portions of the QTR now line up along a common baseline.
Site drainage was also a significant issue since the QTR site location is at the base of mountainous terrain and a large alluvial fan runs adjacent to the western edge of the QTR range. Significant drainage design analysis was conducted and stormwater systems incorporated to protect the targetry, service roads and ROCA. Two primary ditches and a diversion berm are designed to reroute surface runoff across the site, while multiple intermediate service road stormwater crossings have been strategically located to protect service roads from washouts. The QTR was designed on time and within budget, and the awarded contract was within the Programmed Amount and WRA’s MCACES cost estimate. As a result of the successful design, WRA was awarded a new delivery order in August 2012 to provide construction support services to the Los Angeles District USACE and Ft. Irwin.
Project Components
Range Site Planning
Design Quality Control Plan
Facilitate Design Charrettes (Kickoff, 35%, 65%, 100%, and RTA)